A few months ago, The Carolinian had an article about domestic violence and sexual assault. As we get into a new year and head back to life on campus, I decided to share a list of every organization in South Carolina that provides help and support for those who have or are going through similar situations. Ms. Hannah Stewart, from the South Carolina Coalition Against Violence and Sexual Assault (SCCADVASA), provided a brochure with many resources.
As listed:
Beyond Abuse (SA)
Hotline: 888-297-4546
Counties Served: Greenwood, Laurens, Abbeville
CASA/Family Systems (DV/SA)
Hotline: 800-298-7228 and 803-531-6211
Counties Served: Orangeburg, Calhoun, Bamberg
Cumbee Center to Assist Abused Persons (DV/SA)
Hotline: 803-649-0480
Counties: Edgefield, Saluda, McCormick, Aiken, Barnwell, Allendale
Family Justice Center (DV)
Hotline: 844-208-0161
Counties: Georgetown, Horry
Family Recourse Center (SA)
Hotline: 800-585-4455
Counties: Kershaw, Lee
Foothills Alliance Center (SA)
Hotline: 800-585-8952
Counties: Anderson, Oconee
Hopeful Horizons (DV/SA)
Hotline: 800-868-2632
Counties: Allendale, Beaufort, Hampton, Colleton, Jasper
Julie Valentine Center Greenville Rape Crisis (SA)
Hotline: 864-467-3633
County: Greenville
Laurens County SAFE Home (DV)
Hotline: 866-598-5932
Counties: Laurens, Saluda, Abbeville
MEG’s House Inc. (DV)
Hotlines: 888-847-3915
Counties: McCormick, Edgefield, Greenwood
My Sister’s House Inc. (DV)
Hotline: 800-273-4673 and 843-744-3242
Counties: Charleston, Berkeley, Dorchester
Palmetto CASA (SA)
Hotline: 888-790-8532 and 888-790-8537
Counties: Lancaster, Chester, Fairfield
PeeDee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Assault (DV/SA)
Hotline: 800-273-1820 and 843-669-4600
Counties: Florence, Darlington, Marion, Chesterfield, Marlboro, Dillon, Williamsburg
People Against Rape (SA)
Hotline: 843-745-0144
Counties: Charleston, Berkeley, Dorchester
Pickens County Advocacy Center (SA)
Hotline: 864-442-5500
County: Pickens
The Rape Crisis Center (SA)
Hotline: 843-448-RAPE (7273)
Counties: Horry, Georgetown
Safe Harbor Inc. (DV)
Hotline: 800-291-2139
Counties: Greenville, Oconee, Pickens, Anderson
SAFE Homes Rape Crisis Coalition (DV/SA)
Hotline: 800-273-5066
Counties: Spartanburg, Cherokee, Union
Safe Passage Inc. (DV/SA)
Hotline: 800-659-0977
Counties: York (DV), Chester, Lancaster, Union (SA)
Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands (SA)
Hotline: 800-419-7273 and 803-771-7273
Counties: Richland, Lexington, Newberry, Sumpter, Clarendon
Sistercare Inc. (DV)
Hotlines: 803-765-9428 and 800-637-7606
Counties: Richland, Lexington, Newberry, Fairfield, Kershaw
YMCA of the Upper Lowlands Inc. (DV)
Hotlines: 877-268-9922 and 803-775-2763
Counties: Sumpter, Clarendon, Lee, Kershaw
As we all know, campus security and the university work hard to keep us in a safe environment, but we should all be mindful of our surroundings and having resources is always helpful. The university also provides us with counseling services at the second floor of the CLC. If you think you might be in danger or in an unhealthy relationship/situation, please reach out to somebody you trust or seek help from any of the recourses listed.
Helpful reminders:
You are not alone
It is not your fault
People are here to help