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Alaina Ridings

Super Bowl parties have different flavor this year


It is the time of the sports season that people upgrade cable, internet speed, and buys out Costco’s appetizers. Whether you pull for a team playing or not, chances are you will attend some sort of Super Bowl LV celebration Sunday with friends and family.

Do you go to someone’s home? A bar? Your favorite burger joint? Terry Felms, a resident of River Run in Spartanburg, said; “I will have my party rain, snow, sleet, or COVID. I have thrown parties in my home since I bought it in 2002 and plan on continuing to do so as long as I am able.”

Felms was asked his thoughts on social distancing and food preparations. “My wife ordered small boxes off Amazon so each person will be able to grab a box of mixed appetizers and then people won’t have their hands in the same trays.”

Lucretia Ridings, wife and mom to four, said her plans for the Super Bowl party has changed drastically this year. “Friends and family will all be required masks,” said Ridings. “We are doing beer, water bottles, and I plan on ordering pizza and putting slices on individual plates. That way everyone is not hanging over a pizza box breathing and touching. “Normally, I like to show off my cooking skills, but it’s so hard to keep things sanitary now,” Ridings said. “We have been doing (Super Bowl parties) ever since my oldest was ten, so about eleven years now.”

Felms and Ridings emphasized hosts and attendees practice food and socialization precautions.

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